The Marlborough Arts Center, located at 231 North Main Street, Marlborough Ct., is holding its annual winter tag sale February 1, 2020 with the snow date being the following weekend, February 8, 2020. People can drop off their past treasures of working household goods in January on Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 7:00pm and Saturdays from 10:00am – 11:00am. Items can also be left on the lower level next to the door. No TVs, books or clothing will be accepted. The Arts Center owns some art work and selected items will be sold at a reasonable price. Shoppers and donors: put these dates on your calendar for the new year. It should be fun.

A Non-Profit Regional Center for Fine Arts, Performing Arts and Fine Crafts

A Non-Profit Regional Center for Fine Arts, Performing Arts and Fine Crafts