Watercolor Classes with Mary Horrigan this Spring

MAC is delighted to announce highly accomplished local artist Mary Horrigan will teach two watercolor classes this spring.  Classes will meet weekly for six sessions each at the Marlborough Arts Center, 231 North Main Street, Marlborough lower level, from 10 AM until Noon.

Beginning Tuesday, April 16 – May 21, 10 Am until Noon: Watercolor for all Levels of Beginner lessons will emphasize technique, brush handling, and learning to control and work with this fascinating and sometimes difficult medium.

Beginning Thursday, April 18 – May 23. 10AM – Noon: Wonders of Watercolor this is a class for those who have some experience with watercolor, and who want to improve their painting skills. Elements and principles of design will be stressed. Students will be challenged to go beyond their comfort zone by finding new ways of considering subject matter, by trying different colors and painting surfaces, and experimenting with other materials.

Over the past 30 years, Mary has had numerous exhibits throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts and has taught watercolor classes for Manchester Community College, Middletown Adult Education, the Guilford Art Center, the Glastonbury Art Guild, and the Marlborough Arts Center.

For more information, please contact Mary: mehorrigan@comcast.net, or call 860-295-9362.  The $120 fee for each session is payable to Marlborough Arts Center by cash, check or PayPal due in full before or at 1st class of each session. Class registration forms are located on-line at marlborougharts.org Classes section.