Happy New Year! This is always a time to reflect on the year past as we think toward what the new year can bring, so January is perfectly named after the Roman god, Janus, who could see both behind and in front of himself. In fact, one of Rome’s many arches is the Arch of Janus, carved exactly the same on both sides, bringing the ancient world to mind in the present. It is through art that so much culture and history and beauty live on through the centuries.
But art is not just in the great cities of the world, nor in their great museums. It is all around us and we are so fortunate in Marlborough to have art with us in its many forms at the Arts Center. I am grateful, we should all be grateful, to the core group of founders who were determined to make our town a regional center for the arts, who at the beginning had to meet and exhibit at local spots like the American Legion Hall, who had the goal of their own site, and who earned the money by grants and pledges to buy the Charles W. Hall building and land, and literally move this historic building from the roadside and rebuild it to meet the modern needs of exhibition space and classrooms that we now have. Their foresight is to be applauded. Kudos to them and to all the volunteers who gave of their time and talents in that rebuilding.
I am also excited that more and more people are coming to the Arts Center as we continue to reach out to the community and region with our art exhibits and classes, the 4th Friday @ the Arts Cafe musical evenings, and our close relationship with the schools’ art and music programs, and groups who rent out our beautiful facility for their special events.
In fact, WNPR contacted us about the possibility to use the Arts Center as a site to record a new project: “Words To Live By”. This is similar to their storycore programs, but emphasizing the good things that happen to people, the generosity and helpfulness that we give and receive in life but which often goes unspoken. We will be notified if chosen for this honor of hosting WNPR and all the people chosen to tell their stories. I will certainly tell you as soon as we know!
January also brings music back with Chris Devine and Michael Nix, internationally known classical guitarists and founding members of the world chamber music trio The Pioneer Concert. Their versatility on their many string instruments and their personal charm promise a delightful evening on Friday, January 23. Details are already on our website so please do check there and then come to this first of the 4th Friday @ the Arts Cafe performances in 2015.
You will soon be receiving the invitation to renew membership for the 2015 year, another January tradition. Remember, it is our dues that support the arts here, the artists, and all our activities as well as our beautiful setting. Please do renew and know you are appreciated.
feel free to contact me at: (860) 295-9565 or by email at lee.lester@att.net