MAC Memo September 2015 to the Membership

Great news! As of August 20, MAC officially bought and owns the adjoining land we’ve been talking about to preserve as an ART PARK. You will notice the For Sale sign is down and now Phase 2 of the Project has begun: the planning for the future. Thanks and appreciation to the Hartford Foundation For Public Giving for awarding us a $40,000 Grant and to everyone who donated to match those funds, thus making possible our Vision of saving the land as an ART PARK. Now when you drive/walk past the Arts Center at 231 North Main Street, look also at the woods right next door at 225 North Main Street; that’s our land and what will be the ART PARK.

Our Annual Artist Member Show is open now, every Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m., through September 27, with the exception of Labor Day weekend when MAC will be closed for the holiday. Do come and enjoy the great creativity of our artist members. Winners this year are:

1st place: Jim Grabowski (“Time Sequence Study”); 2nd place: Marthan Lauranitis (“Pineapple”); 3rd place: James Wagner (“Charter Oak Bridge”). Honorable Mentions were awarded to Albert D”Antonio, Bob Desaulnier, & Pattie Bullock.

This month’s 4th Friday @ the Arts Cafe spotlight “Plug Nickle” on Friday, September 25, with music just as interesting as their name.

Heads up that in October we will be celebrating a full month of cultural shows and classes around the Mexican “dia de los muertos”, or day of the dead in honor of loved ones who have died. This is a very interactive and fun month organized by Marilyn Ulion. You will find full details on our website