El Dia de los Muertos

El Dia de los Muertos
Day of the Dead
A Mexican Celebration and Artists Exhibit
October 10 – November 8, 2015

Exhibit Opens October 10, 2015   Gallery hours 1:00-4:00 pm Sat. and Sun. through November 8 (November 1st Gallery hours 1 – 6:30 pm)Dia-de-los-Muertos-(4)

This unique exhibition will feature Mexican inspired artwork, two entertaining and informative participatory events with Mexican foods and beverages, an evening of music and several classes.

Classes are varied and exciting for both adults and children. For complete information and registration form, click on this link.

Craft projects and a scavenger hunt for young and old will be available during gallery hours.

Handmade Mexican-inspired artworks and crafts, as well as spiritualistic photography, will be on display and for purchase.

Ongoing visitor participation honoring ancestors is encouraged. Visitors may bring photos (copies) of deceased loved ones, small trinkets/tokens of remembrance or artificial flowers to place on the decorative flower covered Altar. The Altar should evolve and grow in spirit and beauty throughout the exhibit.

Our committee is excited and enthusiastic about the upcoming event. Our goal is for it to be celebrated and enjoyed by as many people as possible.

Special Events:

October 16, Friday, 6 – 8 pm

Artists Reception and Mexican Buffet
$10 per person, including Sangria
Outdoor candlelight procession at 7:30 pm
Colorful/Mexican attire encouraged.
Music by Rick Johnson

This event will include an interesting overview and history of the celebration, El Dia de los Muertos, by two featured artists and world travelers, Agatha Hoover and Maggie Kendis.

Agatha is the owner of the Mansfield Art Center, where she sells unique items personally purchased from multitudes of countries, including Mexico. Maggie is an artist from Lebanon, CT. She has studied batik, ceramics & silk-screening and now specializes in linocut prints.

November 1, Sunday, 1 – 6:30 pm

El Dia de los Muertos Celebration

Participants and visitors, young and old, attending the Day of the Dead celebration on the afternoon of Nov.1 are encouraged to come in Mexican-inspired clothing and enjoy Mexican appetizers, entertainment, and a “Fortune Teller”.  Music by Kenn Morr Band.