Digital Photography (Beginning) course

Wednesdays, January 13, 20, 27
6:00 pm-9:00 pm
Fee:  $90 for the total 9 hours course

Peter Glass has owned and operated Peter Glass Photography for more than 25 years. He specializes in stock, portrait, editorial, and corporate photography. His photos appear regularly in magazines, textbooks, advertising brochures, and on book covers. He offers adult education photography classes at local colleges, towns, art associations, and through his “Meetup” group, the Connecticut Photography Workshops (  Peter holds a Master of Arts degree in Film and Television Production from the University of Texas.  His current work can be viewed at

Course Description:

Maybe you own a digital camera, but are not getting the quality images you want.  Or maybe you are getting some great pictures, but don’t know why.  This, then, is the course for you.  All the basics of photography will be covered, including setting the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO; working with depth-of-field; selecting lenses; backing-up; simple editing and cataloging.  The specific controls on your camera that mystify most beginners will be explained thoroughly.  You will learn handholding techniques, as well as the advantages of using a tripod or monopod.  There will be discussions of what makes a good image, be it portrait, nature, landscape, travel, still object, documentary, or abstract.  Basic color theory and practical lighting applications will be introduced.  Finally, we will discuss and critique each other’s pictures, both as a way to understand photographic composition and to explore problems students may be having shooting specific types of images.  Everyone should bring his or her digital camera (with instruction booklet) to class, along with photos they have taken, saved as JPGs, on a flash drive.  Prerequisite: Absolutely none!!