Holiday Gift & Art Show/Sale

Calling All Artists and Fine Crafters!

The Marlborough Arts Center announces a Holiday Art and Gift Sale which will take place at the Arts Center Fridays through Sundays from Sunday, November 10th to Sunday, December 8th, 2024. Artists may display up to four framed or unframed paintings, photographs or prints. Crafters may display small crafts subject to reasonable space limitations. An entry fee of $10 is required of members of the Marlborough Arts Center. An entry fee of $15 is required of non-members. Items must be priced under $200.00.

Paintings and craft items can be dropped off at the Arts Center Sunday, November 3rd, from 1
to 4 PM or on Monday, November 4th, from 4 to 6 PM. The Arts Center is also looking for volunteers who are able to serve as “Shopkeepers” during the days the sale is open. A one-hour training session will be offered in the use of the credit card machine and bookkeeping system on Saturday, November 9th at the Arts Center, 231 North Main Street, Marlborough.

For more information and to download drop-off forms, please scroll down and expand the menu options, or call the Arts Center at 860-647-6353, or email