Call for Artists for the GIFT SHOP

Dear Artist Member:

Marlborough Arts Center thanks you for your participation in our Gallery.  We will be opening our Gift Shop in conjunction with the Marlborough Arts Center Gallery events and exhibits and the plan is to have the Gift Shop open between September 15, 2017 and December 28, 2017 in time for the holidays.  The Gift Shop will feature mostly hand crafted items on a consignment basis, with Marlborough Arts Center keeping a 30{eba5a16469fb4a7f18f8ea69c1431b00c5f2da579f8ac6bd75c322ccea0d0754} fee on all items sold.  Marlborough Arts Center will make every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for your products but is NOT responsible for any losses or damages.  We will inventory all items upon drop off.  A check for your sales minus our 30{eba5a16469fb4a7f18f8ea69c1431b00c5f2da579f8ac6bd75c322ccea0d0754} fee will be issued by our Treasurer periodically, based on your sales, and MAC collects and pays the sales tax to the State of Connecticut.  Items will be accepted on FRIDAY, September 8, 5-7 p.m. and SATURDAY, September 9, 9-12 a.m.  Items must be picked up on January 6, 2018, between 9:00am and 12:00pm.  Rain/snow date for pickup will be January 7, 2018.  At drop-off, please have the attached form completely filled out, with the exception of Sold Date, and have your items labeled with Initials (code) and price.

An inventory sheet is attached here to list all items consigned to Marlborough Arts Center.  Please list items, description and retail price.  Each item should be coded with your initials, item number and price.



Artist:  Mary L. Doe                            Code:  MLD

Item #  Description                                       Price                     Sample Label Id

01      Blue Hat                                   $20                         MLD01

02      Silver Necklace                         $25                         MLD02


Each item is to be labeled – if you have any questions, call Judy at 860-295-9942.


It is recommended that inventories be reviewed and exchanged on a regular basis so that the Gift Shop always looks new and exciting.